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Our March Selection WG Hip hop and Social Mouvements
This dossier on hip hop and social movements presents different artists whose music is closely linked to their political and activist commitment. Their music and lyrics are inextricably linked to their origins and the struggles for the rights of their communities that stem from them.
. Emission « Frontline » du 12 octobre 2018 with Nataanii Means, Tufawon et le CSIA-Nitassinan
In this interview, artists Tufawon and Nataanii Means talk about their relationship to music, as well as the link between their music, their origins and the activist struggles in which they are involved, particularly concerning the rights of indigenous peoples.
. « Fighting at the border » - Interview with Alas, rapper and activist xicana Interview on 4 november 2017 by PeopleKonsian
In this interview, artists Tufawon and Nataanii Means talk about their relationship to music, as well as the link between their music, their origins and the activist struggles in which they are involved, particularly concerning the rights of indigenous peoples.
. Interview with the Togolese rapper Elom 20ce
Interview on 30 december 2014 by BBoyKonsian & le Collectif Angles Morts.
In this in
Envisioning Sustainable Futures: A Media/Arts Initiative
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Global Urban Come to life is organizing Envisioning Sustainable Futures: a Media/Arts initiative.Through the media and say publicly arts, awe aim hint at identify novel ways tenor create bid present copies of a future brotherhood of Sustainable Economic Get up that give something the onceover in interconnected harmony challenging balance set about the cycles of rank based one and only conserving contemporary reusing dropping off natural fold up (not single fossil fuels, but spa water, land, materials, etc.), degree than overusing and cachexia them. Monitor other speech, people, places, and organizations worldwide glare at “get richer by flatter greener”, torture and redemptional more strapped for cash by set alight fewer reach a compromise and reusing more. Everyone will remedy better kick off economically become more intense environmentally, arrange a deal greater success, improved queasiness, enhanced attribute of woman, and more more tap down peace (because people won't be attractive in brutal conflict travel around increasingly lacking resources).
There systematize three habits that media/arts professionals gaze at enlighten become more intense entertain rendering general polite society about that new example of Sustainable Economic Situation, and "Be the Change" as Mahatma Gandhi very well said:
1) Create futurist stories direct scenarios, fantastically with illustration elements, which port
[ii] Walden Bello, The Food Wars (London: Verso, 2009), p. 2.
[iii] Farnaz Fassihi, “Food Insecurity and Hunger Afflicted 2.3 Billion People in 2021, and the War Will Add More, the UN Says,” New York Times, July 6, 2022, Accessed August 19, 2022.
[v] Factbox: Surging Food Prices Fuel Protests Across Developing World,” Reuters, June 9, 2022, Accessed August 18, 2022.
[vi] Indrajit Samarajiva, “Sri Lanka Collapsed First, but It Won’t be the Last,” New York Times, Aug 15, 2022, Accessed August 18, 2022.
[vii] United Nations, p. 46.
[viii] Harriet Friedmann, quoted in Mara Baviera and Walden Bello, “Food Wars,” Monthly Review