Molly ann leikin songs of 2017

  • Explore music from Molly Ann Leikin.
  • Check out the RenWomen Podcast with Molly-Ann Leikin - an Emmy-nominated Songwriter and Professional Speaker with Song MD - Songwriting Consultants, Ltd.
  • Buy How to Write a Hit Song, Fifth Edition 5th Revised edition by Molly-Ann Leikin (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store.
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    Molly-Ann Leikin (photo from Molly-Ann Leikin)

    For most of her five-decade musical career, Molly-Ann Leikin felt something was missing – many English speakers singing Hatikvah had no idea what the Hebrew words coming out of their mouths actually mean. So, she set about creating an English version of the Israeli national anthem.

    Her version is not a translation, Leikin stressed in an interview with the Independent, from her home in Santa Barbara, Calif. She contends that no translation could possibly convey the meaning of the original Hebrew. Instead, she wanted an anthem set to the same melody that everyone singing it could enjoy, understand and, as she said, “feel the passion.”

    Born in Ottawa, Leikin graduated from the University of Toronto. The author of How to Write a Hit Song and How to be a Hit Songwriter, she has composed themes and songs for more than five dozen television shows and movies, and her work has been performed by a diverse array of entertainers, such as Anne Murray, Tina Turner and Billy Preston. Among many other things, she has done private songwriting coaching in Vancouver since the s.

    Early in her career, Leikin said she felt there was no way for a tunesmith to make a living in Canada, so she hopped into her dented red Volkswagen Bug and drove

  • molly ann leikin songs of 2017