Lc biography cutter table

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  • Cataloging

    CUTTERS            *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   

    CUTTERS            *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   

    CUTTERS            *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   

    CUTTERS            *

    CUTTERS            *   *   *   *   *   


    .xCutter for biographee
    .xA2Collected works by date
    .xA25Selected works. Selections. By date. Including quotations
    .xA3Autobiography, diaries, etc. By date
    .xA4Letters. By date
    .xA5Speeches, essays, and lectures. By date. Including interviews
    .xA6-ZIncluding biography and criticism. By main entry. Including criticism of selected works, autobiography, quotations, letters, speeches, interviews, etc.

    "Biography and criticism" in the Biography Table are limited to the range .xA6-Z. If the main entry of a biographical or critical work begins with A and the work is classed in a biography class, do not Cutter lower than A6. The suggested Cutter numbers for entries beginning with A are:


    Note: The Translation Table can be applied to the .xA6-Z of the Biography Table. Do not use the Translation Table with the .xA2-.xA5 area of the Biography Table

    Last modified: 

    Tuesday, May 1, 2018 - 4:52pm

    Special Notation for Single Cutter Literary Authors (LC Literature table P-PZ40)

    LC uses the range A11-Z458 for the works themselves (collections, selections, individual works) and local practice has always followed this part of the table from the implementation of LC classification in the 1970's.

    However, LC notation practice for items related to the literary works of the author is to assign numbers in the range Z4581-Z9999. Prior to 2005, SML practice dating from the implementation of LC classification was to modify LC notation for single Cutter authors for biography/criticism, correspondence, and autobiography. Beginning in 2001, SML began to follow the standard LC notation practice for new authors. With the Feb. 2005 policy change the practice is now extended to previously established authors. The mapping of the number range is given in the LC P-PZ40 table.

    LC P-PZ40 Table for authors (1 Cutter number)

  • lc biography cutter table
  • Collected works Including collected works in specific genres
    P-PZ40 .x dateBy date
    (P-PZ40 .xA11-.xA13)By editor
    Subarrangement by editor has been discontinued by the Library of Congress. Beginning in 2005, all collected works are subaaranged by date
    (P-PZ40 .xA14-.xA19)Collected prose, poetry, plays, etc.
    For collected genre see P-PZ40 .x date