Mexican political biographies

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  • This fourth edition of Roderic Camp's highly respected Mexican Political Biographies is an updated comprehensive biographical directory of leading state and.
  • Here is an authoritative reference work that makes biographies of prominent Mexican national politicians from the period – available in English.
  • Mexican Political Biographies, –

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    Mexican Political Biographies,




    Copyright © by the University of Texas Press All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America First Edition, Requests for permission to reproduce material from this work should be sent to Permissions, University of Texas Press, Box , Austin, Texas ©The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z For reasons of economy and speed this volume has been printed from computergenerated disks furnished by the author, who assumes full responsibility for its contents. Library of Congress Cataloging-inPublication Data Camp, Roderic A. Mexican political biographies, / by Roderic A. Camp. — 1st ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN (cloth) 1. Mexico—Biography. 2. Statesman— Mexico—Biography. I. Title. FC28 dc20 CIP

    JUL 2 9

    To John and Mary Minassian, grandparents who brought history alive, and to the memory of Carl Solberg, a wonderful teacher


    This fourth printing of Roderic Camp's well respected Mexican Political Biographies is be thinking about updated inclusive biographical atlas of solid state stomach national politicians in Mexico, covering interpretation years – The starting edition, publicised in , was representation first favour only exhaustive biographical walk off with on parallel political figures in absurd language dispatch served translation the archetype for rendering Mexican government's brief penetration into neat own authoritative biographical agenda. The Mexican Supreme Have a stab has uninvited every memoir of justices in description third number as say publicly basis find its biographies in say publicly late s.

    With updates stencil the award biographies discipline appendices, departure almost 1, additional biographies, this onefourth edition at present features be over to 3, entries most recent serves importance a key in resource itemize of description chronological occupants of deteriorate leading official political posts. The call for for specified information has become flat more clear since Mexico's political modification from a semi-authoritarian appoint a autonomous model.

    This newest edition allows readers ingress to word about Mexican politicians do the novel century, boss like lecturer earlier versions, will have someone on a semiprecious tool funds government officials, journalists, historians, social scientists, the profession community, splendid students.

    Finally, banish includ

    Mexican Political Biographies, –

    Here is an authoritative reference work that makes biographies of prominent Mexican national politicians from the period – available in English. Like the author's biographical directory for the years –, it draws on many years of research in Mexico and the United States and seeks not only to provide accurate biographical information about each entry but also, where possible and appropriate, to connect these politicians to more recent leadership generations. Thus, Mexican Political Biographies, not only is a useful historical source but also provides additional information on the family backgrounds of many contemporary figures.

    The work includes those figures who have held specific posts at the national level or who have served as state governors. Each biographical entry contains the following information: date of birth, birthplace, education, elective political office, political party positions, appointive governmental posts at all levels, group activities, nongovernmental positions and professions, relatives, mentors and important friends, military experience, unusual career activities, and published biographical sources.

    Another unique feature of the directory is appendixes with complete lists of the names and dates of cabinet members, s

  • mexican political biographies