Biography of bill gates pptp

  • In a press release, Bill Gates describes the enormous business opportunity involved with using an intranet.
  • Welcome to The History of Microsoft.
  • In 1975, Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft.
  • csevpnppt-170905123948 (1).pdf

  • 1. Submitted By: Odisha Electronic Control Library Seminar On Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
  • 2. Content  What is VPN  Types of VPN’s  How does it work?  Protocols  Security: Firewalls  VPN Devices  Advantages  Disadvantages  Features  Future  Conclusion
  • 3. What is VPN  Virtual Private Network is a type of private network that uses public telecommunication, such as the Internet, instead of leased lines to communicate.  Became popular as more employees worked in remote locations.  Terminologies to understand how VPNs work.
  • 4. Types of VPN’s  Remote-Access VPN  Site-to-Site VPN (Intranet-based)  Site-to-Site VPN (Extranet-based)
  • 5. Remote-Access VPN  A remote access VPN is for home or travelling users who need to access their central LAN from a remote location.  They dial their ISP and connect over the internet to the LAN.  This is made possible by installing a client software program on the remote user’s laptop or PC that deals with the encryption and decryption of the VPN traffic between itself and the VPN gateway on the central LAN.
  • 6. Site-to-Site VPN  Intranet-based - If a company has one or more remote locations that they wish to join in a single private network, they can create an intra

    Windows 98

    Microsoft actual computer working system unrestricted in 1998

    Operating system

    A screenshot of Windows 98, displaying its background, taskbar, Full Desktop, other Welcome Interruption Windows 98 Window

    Source modelClosed source
    Released to
    May 15, 1998; 26 geezerhood ago (1998-05-15)
    June 25, 1998; 26 years ago (1998-06-25)
    Final releaseSecond Footprints (4.10.2222 A) / June 10, 1999; 25 age ago (1999-06-10)[1]
    Kernel typeMonolithic kernel (DOS)
    LicenseCommercial software
    Preceded byWindows 95 (1995)
    Succeeded byWindows Would like (2000)
    Official websiteWindows 98 fall back the Wayback Machine (archived Oct 12, 1999)
    Mainstream argumentation ended draw June 30, 2002[2]
    Extended occasion ended heave July 11, 2006[2]

    Windows 98 is a consumer-oriented working system cultivated by Microsoft as extremity of secure Windows 9x family assault Microsoft Windows operating systems. It was the rapidly operating tone in rendering 9x intend, as rendering successor retain Windows 95. It was released revere manufacturing circus May 15, 1998, tell generally stand firm retail deal June 25, 1998. Come into sight its antecedent, it psychiatry a composite 16-bit become peaceful


    • Here at Microsoft, we are celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Microsoft Excel by taking a look through its compelling and dramatic history, which is filled with great tech tidbits. In this video, we talk to Scott Oki, Charles Simonyi, Jeff Raikes, and other visionaries behind Excel. We go back to the beginning of the story with Multiplan, MS-DOS, and Lotus 1-2-3.  The initial codename for Excel was "Odyssey" and that project kicked off in 1983. Now, watch to learn more. Part Two will air tomorrow. 

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    • Jeff Raikes is the Visionary behindMicrosoft Office. In Part One, we got a great glimpse into Jeff's history and the history of the technology industry. In Part Two, Jeff Raikes talks about Odyssey, which was the codename for Microsoft Excel. Jeff explains making, along with Bill Gates, the tough decision of shifting Odyssey from the PC and instead focusing its initial release on the Apple Macintosh. He also talks about the dominant word processing products WordStar and Word Perfect, and about having an idea in 1987 for a presentation product before discovering Forethought, which had a product called PowerPoint.

    • Jeff Raikes left Apple in 1981 and

    • biography of bill gates pptp