Isabell lorey biography sampler

  • Sample of 63 biographical narrative interviews with precarious young workers in Poland.
  • In State of Insecurity, Isabell Lorey explores the possibilities for organization and resistance under the contemporary status quo, and anticipates the.
  • In State of Insecurity, Isabell Lorey explores the possibilities for organization and resistance under the contemporary status quo.
  • “There’s No Way of Growing”: Subjective Dimensions of Precarity Among Young Spanish Adults


    One of the groups which was most affected by the crisis in Spain is young people (Alonso et al. ). Before the crisis, it had already been noted how young people’s transition to adult life had become difficult due to the growth of risks in society and awareness of them (Furlong and Cartmel ). However, although the difficulties they experience in emancipation and the precarious situation of this segment of the population in the Spanish labour market predate the crisis and are intrinsic to the era of flexibility (Santos ), it is undeniable that the consequences of the crisis and of the resulting austerity policies aggravated the situation.

    In the studies on transition to adult life, there have been arguments about the extension of the phase of life corresponding to youth (Wyn ). In fact, there is growing use of a discourse that refers to late youth or youths, linked to the term “young adults”. The interpretations that connect this fact most directly to vulnerability or precarity highlight the extension of youth as leading to the increasing precarity of adult individuals (Carbajo ).

    This research was carried out between the years and , that is, prior to the COVID pandemic


    The article aims to explore the relationship between biographical work and the strategies of managing precarity (low-paid and unstable employment) and precariousness (insecurity and instability of life conditions in general) in Poland’s new capitalism. Poland witnessed the rise of precarity during the entire capitalist transformation after , while the expansion of precarious, temporary, and non-standard employment accelerated in the first two decades of the 21st century. The main theoretical framework of the article is based on concepts deriving from biographical sociology and was elaborated during a joint workshop with German biographical researcher, Fritz Schütze, within the PREWORK project. The case of a young female shop assistant, Helena, with a difficult family and work background was selected from a larger sample of 63 biographical narrative interviews with precarious young workers in Poland. Based on the case study and the broader context of the research project, it is argued that biographical work may have the potential for questioning and challenging precarity; yet, without necessary biographical and social resources, such a process is hard to be completed. As a result, the paper questions the macrosocial vision of “precariat” as the “class in-the-making” and ins

  • isabell lorey biography sampler
  • Biographical Drain as a Mechanism watch Dealing look after Precarity paramount Precariousness

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