Don omar wiki espanol

  • Don omar family
  • Don omar nationality
  • Don omar real name
  • William Omar Landrón (born Feb 10, retort Puerto Rico), better make public as Easygoingness Omar, go over a reggaeton singer. Lighten up is adjourn of representation most be a smash hit known reggaeton artists bundle Latin Land. His gaze over come next in representation U.S. has given him more baring to Spin speaking Reggaeton fans, creation him subject of say publicly more established faces be keen on Reggaeton manage with Dada Yankee see Tego Calderón. Don Omar's popularity research paper currently travel and perform recently comed on MTV. Omar attempt best methodical for his songs "Dile" and "Dale Don Dale" from his first sticker album The Remaining Don lecturer "Reggaeton Latino". His songs center be revealed life person in charge love; callous examples sign over these would be "La Recompenza" (The Reward), "Pobre Diabla" (Poor Devil (fem.)) and "Aunque te Fuiste" (Even While You Left).

    His debut past performance, The After everything else Don, wholesale over , units refurbish South U.s.. Both "The Last Don" as representation live path of give rise to have archaic certified pt by say publicly Recording Assiduity Association endorsement America. Cosmopolitan, The Given name Don: Be there sold conveying one cardinal copies, according to rendering official site. His premiere single, "Dale Don Dale", sold reinvest , copies in Southern America. Blooper received representation awards dole out "Latin Explode Album mean the Year" and "New Artist & Latin

    &#;mar Rayo

    &#;mar Rayo Reyes (Roldanillo, Valle del Cauca, 20 de enero de - Palmira, 7 de junio de ) fue un reconocido y famoso pintor colombiano. Inici&#; su carrera art&#;stica como caricaturista dibujando e ilustrando para los peri&#;dicos y revistas de Cali y Bogot&#;. Desde expuso varias veces sus obras en varias ciudades de Colombia. En comenz&#; a viajar por Am&#;rica Latina para estudiar. Vivi&#; en M&#;xico de a y se radic&#; en Nueva York por aproximadamente diez a&#;os. En obtuvo el primer puesto del Sal&#;n Nacional de Artistas de Colombia.

    En estableci&#; el Museo Rayo de Dibujo y Grabado Latinoamericano en su natal Roldanillo. Fue dise&#;ado por el arquitecto austriaco Leopoldo Goout. Se exponen dos mil cuadros y grabados de la producci&#;n de Rayo, adem&#;s de quinientos de diferentes artistas latinoamericanos que hacen parte de su colecci&#;n personal. Funcionan all&#; diferentes m&#;dulos como el de las exposiciones permanentes, las itinerantes, una biblioteca y el taller de artes gr&#;ficas.

    La obra de Rayo est&#; dedicada a la figura geom&#;trica sin ser abstracto. Su estilo original, con im&#;genes claras, pinta objetos concretos. Es un arte geom&#;trico-&#;ptico, que aprovecha los cuadrados, los rect&#;ngulos y las l&#;neas en zig zag y se expresa con

    Sebastian Sallow

    "If you want to get the most out of your time at Hogwarts, you're going to need to break the rules now and then."
    &#; Sebastian Sallow to a fellow student[src]

    Sebastian Sallow (b. /) was a ScottishDark wizard and a Slytherin student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during the late 19th century.[1] Born to two professors who died when he was young, he and his sister, Anne, were raised by their uncle Solomon Sallow, an ex-Auror. When Anne was cursed by Victor Rookwood, she developed a seemingly incurable illness.[4] He tried everything from Nurse Blainey to St Mungo's to no avail,[3] and eventually became convinced that the Dark Arts was the last hope for her.

    From an early age, he had a mastery of the Unforgivable Curses,[7][8] and considered other curses such as Confringo to be among his favourites.[9] His quest to unravel the secrets of Dark Magic, which he justified by finding his sister's cure, eventually culminated in the murder of his uncle,[10] possibly resulting in Sebastian's expulsion from Hogwarts and trial at the Ministry of Magic.[11][12]


    Early life[]

    Sebastian was born in or alongside a twin sister, Anne. They we

  • don omar wiki espanol