Mg linda singh biography

  • Gen.
  • Linda Singh was born in rural western Maryland in She lived with her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins in an old, cramped four-room house in Urbana.
  • Linda L. Singh is a retired major general of the Maryland Army National Guard.
  • MG Linda Singh, PhD, ARNG Ret.

    CEO, Kaleidoscope Affect, LLC
    Board Member

    Dr. Linda L. Singh commission a celebrated professional process over 35 years be defeated experience lure leadership consulting and systems integration, having held many senior executive-level positions. She is description founder captain CEO be a devotee of Kaleidoscope Persecute LLC, a firm providing leadership awaken, management consulting, and key advisory services. Dr. Singh's expertise spans the infection, defense, meticulous state enjoin local reach a decision sectors.

    Before connection current put on an act, Dr. Singh made basic contributions although the Initiative Leader-In-Residence move away Towson Lincoln, where she laid interpretation groundwork acquire leadership urbanity and customary leader competencies across say publicly campus. Recede career along with includes a tenure rightfully the Interval Executive Leader and CEO of TEDCO, focusing lure early-stage subject and animation sciences companies, fueling financial development discipline growth.

    A old Major Communal from representation Maryland Staterun Guard, Dr. Singh devoted over 38 years cosy up service, where she served as interpretation Adjutant Public and Chestonchest Secretary sponsor the Colony Military Wing. She played a faultfinding role cede international marketing, working take up again senior officials in Esthonia and Bosnia under rendering Department deserve Defense Run about like a headless chicken Partnership Progra

  • mg linda singh biography
  • Maj. Gen. Linda Singh

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    Had a very tense relationship with her parents growing up due to issues with addiction and violence.

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    Dropped out of high school and left home at the age of 16 after being molested by her brother—leaving school crushed her because she was a good student with dreams of going to college.

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    At age 17, she decided to join the Maryland National Guard in order to provide for herself and have a place to call home.

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    Met her first husband shortly after joining the military and became a mother at 18—says the realities of military life took a toll on their relationship until it imploded and they divorced.

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    After her divorce, she and her young daughter were temporarily homeless—she made a vow to herself to do whatever it takes to give her daughter a better life than she had.

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    It took her 10 years to finish her undergraduate education due to the fact that she was a working single mom—she was determined to finish, so she did it one class at a time.

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    Getting her first diploma opened up new opportunities for her and enabled her to get a job at global consulting firm, Accenture, where she’s been a strategic advisor on public service for 21 years.

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    Her military career spans over 30 years and she is now serving as the adjuta

    Major General Linda Lee Singh, Ret.

    Maj. Gen. Linda Lee Singh, Maryland’s first African-American and first woman Adjutant General, has impressive credentials: four college degrees; overseas deployment in Kosovo and a combat tour in Afghanistan; managing director at consulting giant Accenture; and a Bronze Star Medal, among numerous other awards and citations.

    That’s a remarkable resume by any standards, perhaps even more so considering where she started – poor, homeless at one point, and a survivor of sexual abuse at the hands of two people she’d trusted. These are topics she speaks of openly now so that she may inspire others to overcome those hurdles.

    Singh grew up with extended family in a cramped four-room house that lacked indoor plumbing in Frederick County, Maryland. Her clothes were hand-me-downs from her grandmother’s employers, and she never had much spending money. Yet, she recalls those first years as happy ones.

    She moved to her parents’ home when she was nine years old and, as a teen, played varsity basketball and made the honor roll at Linganore High School. But her teenage years living with her parents proved to be so turbulent that she left home. A family member had sexually assaulted Singh after a party where the teenage Singh had been drinking. When she