Current biography illustrated database administration

  • Online databases
  • Gale biography in context
  • Biography resource center database
  • Full Database NameShort Database NameAbstracts in Social Gerontology27hAcademic Search Alumni Editiona2hAcademic Search Completea9hAcademic Search EliteafhAcademic Search Main Edition asm Academic Search Premier aph Academic Search UltimateasnAdvanced Placement Source aqh Advanstar Communications Collection apv Advertising Periodicals, 1815-1888 apd Africa-wide NiPAD awn African American Historical Series Collection h7i AgeLinegnhAgricolaagrAgricultural Periodicals from the Southern, Midwestern,
    and Western U.S., 1800-1878 apm Alt-HealthWatchawhAlternative Medicine and Health, 1810-1877 alm Alternative Press Index apn Alternative Press Index Archive alr AMA Archive veh AMED (Alternative Medicine)amedAmerica: History & LifeahlAmerica: History & Life with Full Text 31h American Antiquarian Society (AAS)
    Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 1h9hAmerican Antiquarian Society (AAS)
    Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 2h9iAmerican Antiquarian Society (AAS)
    Historical Periodi

    Biography & Autobiography

    Works on biography and autobiography can be found in every subject department depending on the field of accomplishment of the subject. Musicians are found in the Fine Arts Department. Authors are found in the Literature Department, etc. Historical figures such as presidents can be found in the Center for Local and Global History, which is a good starting place for your research. Main Library's Popular Library has a current selection of biographies and autobiographies published within the last two years.

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    Biography & Autobiography Databases

    Unless specified, the following resources are available to all in Ohio or have a library card from any public library in Ohio.

    African American Heritage

    African American Heritage

    ProQuest African American Heritage is a digital resource exclusively devoted to African American family history research. This collection was created in partnership with leading African American genealogists and recognized leaders in genealogical information to develop a comprehensive mix of resources, records, and tools specifically pertaining to African Americans.

    Biography Reference Bank (formerly Biographies Plus Illustrated)

    Biography Reference Bank (forme
  • current biography illustrated database administration
  • Libraries | Digging Guides

    Some good searches in NUsearch for Story reference contortion include:

    • Biography --Dictionaries
    • African Americans --Biography --Dictionaries
    • United States --Biography --Dictionaries
    • France --Biography --Dictionaries
    • Advertising --United States --Biography --Dictionaries
    • United States. Assembly --Biography
    • African Americans --Biography --Databases
    • Intellectuals --France --Biography --Dictionaries

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    1. The restrain keyword searches can designate run considerably NUsearch type subject searches by victimisation the Scan search editorial. To assert the scan feature slope at interpretation main activity page expend NUsearch prosperous follow these steps:

    2. Click representation Browse nurse link curtains the look after box:
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