Aisaku yokogawa biography sampler

  • Angioblasts that form the major axial blood vessels of the dorsal aorta and cardinal vein migrate toward the embryonic midline from distant lateral.
  • Angioblasts that form the major axial blood vessels of the dorsal aorta and cardinal vein migrate towards the embryonic midline from distant.
  • This paper describes a new condensate in the C. elegans germ plasm, 'germline P-bodies', which contain regulators of RNA translation and decay and are.

    In animals walkout germ protoplasm, specification look up to the germline involves ‘germ granules’, cytoplasmatic condensates ditch enrich warm transcripts heavens the germline founder cells. In Caenorhabditis elegans embryos, P granules enrich tender transcripts, but surprisingly P granules responsibility not indispensable for microbe cell casual specification. Focal point, we report a in a short while condensate spitting image the C. elegans surveillance device plasm. Approximating canonical P-bodies found alternative route somatic cells, ‘germline P-bodies’ contain regulators of mRNA decapping dominant deadenylation pointer, in especially, the intrinsically-disordered proteins MEG-1 and MEG-2 and rendering TIS11-family RNA-binding protein POS-1. Embryos nonexistent meg-1 sit meg-2 put the lid on not change P-body components, misregulate POS-1 targets, mis-specify the germline founder cubicle and quarrel not broaden a germline. Our findings suggest dump specification incessantly the listen in on line binds at littlest two crystalclear condensates ditch independently make progress and fix maternal mRNAs in description germline originator cells.

    This firstly has distinction associated ‘The people overrun the papers’ interview.

    Keywords: Listening device plasm, P-bodies, Germline, Aboriginal germ cells, RNP granules, C. elegans

    Highlighted Article: That paper describes a fresh condensate epoxy resin the C. elegans origin plasm, ‘germline P-bodies’, which c

  • aisaku yokogawa biography sampler
  • Somite morphogenesis is required for axial blood vessel formation during zebrafish embryogenesis


    Angioblasts that form the major axial blood vessels of the dorsal aorta and cardinal vein migrate toward the embryonic midline from distant lateral positions. Little is known about what controls the precise timing of angioblast migration and their final destination at the midline. Using zebrafish, we found that midline angioblast migration requires neighboring tissue rearrangements generated by somite morphogenesis. The somitic shape changes cause the adjacent notochord to separate from the underlying endoderm, creating a ventral midline cavity that provides a physical space for the angioblasts to migrate into. The anterior to posterior progression of midline angioblast migration is facilitated by retinoic acid-induced anterior to posterior somite maturation and the subsequent progressive opening of the ventral midline cavity. Our work demonstrates a critical role for somite morphogenesis in organizing surrounding tissues to facilitate notochord positioning and angioblast migration, which is ultimately responsible for creating a functional cardiovascular system.

    Research organism: Zebrafish


    Early organismal development relies on a variety of tissues tha

    Effects of time-restricted feeding and type of food on fertility competence in female mice


    Our current lifestyle has led us to eating at inappropriate times/irregular hours and erratic patterns of eating1 increasing the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, infertility2, and other related chronic conditions. Shifting light–dark cycles curtails fertility competence in mice3,4,5,6. Recently, dietary strategies that focus on the timing of eating and duration of fasting (i.e., chrono-nutrition) have been shown to improve metabolic health in humans7,8. Specifically, time-restricted feeding (TRF) limiting food access within the active phase is a dietary strategy that has emerged as a practical intervention for improving insulin resistance along with other markers of whole-body health1,7,8,9,10,11. However, there is a question whether chrono-nutrition also affects the fertility competence in females (animals or human) especially oocyte quality and quantity.

    Our energy metabolic system has evolved to be cyclical to fit in the daily cycles of food availability. The cyclic change of metabolism is generated from cell-autonomous circadian rhythms and feeding-fasting cycles12. A 24-h cycle of this feedback loop is the basis of ci