Theodur billroth biography of mahatma gandhi

  • Billroth, Theodor, 1829-1894.
  • His books include Decades of Decision 1860– (1965),.
  • [X-Info] Mahatma Gandhi; the man who became one with the universal being [X-Info] Theodor Billroth (Rikola, 1922), by Robert Gersuny (page images.

    Franzel, Emil. "NAMENREGISTER". Geschichte unserer Zeit: 1870–1950, Berlin, Boston: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 1952, pp. 479-492.

    Franzel, E. (1952). NAMENREGISTER. In Geschichte unserer Zeit: 1870–1950 (pp. 479-492). Berlin, Boston: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag.

    Franzel, E. 1952. NAMENREGISTER. Geschichte unserer Zeit: 1870–1950. Berlin, Boston: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, pp. 479-492.

    Franzel, Emil. "NAMENREGISTER" In Geschichte unserer Zeit: 1870–1950, 479-492. Berlin, Boston: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 1952.

    Franzel E. NAMENREGISTER. In: Geschichte unserer Zeit: 1870–1950. Berlin, Boston: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag; 1952. p.479-492.

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    Ruth and Hermann Vollmer papers

    1600s-1959 D

    Hermann Vollmer was a physician of German-Jewish origin who practiced pediatric medicine in Heidelberg, Germany in the early 1920's. By the late 1930's he and his wife Ruth Vollmer (née Landshoff) had emigrated to the United States and settled in New York City. The Vollmers were evidently well acquainted socially as evidenced by their correspondence with many distinguished persons in the arts and sciences. Ruth Vollmer, a sculptor, wasthe daughter of the German conductor, musicologist and editor Ludwig Landshoff (1874-1941).

    Their autograph collection consists of manuscript letters, documents, musical scores, photographs and other papers of European, British and American composers, musicians, authors, novelists, poets, playwrights, historians, philosophers, painters, sculptors, scientists, physicians, politicians, statesmen, royalty and others spanning the period from the 17th to the 20th centuries. Composers represent the strongest category present (55 items), followed by novelists (37), poets (30), painters (27), authors (20), and physicians (19). The most outstanding item in the collection is a fragment (1 p.) musical score attributed to Mozart. Several letters from literary figures are addressed to Harvey Breit, of t

  • theodur billroth biography of mahatma gandhi
  • Global Health Education: a cross-sectional study centre of German checkup students provision identify necessarily, deficits service potential benefits (Part 2 of 2: Knowledge gaps and developing benefits)

    • Research article
    • Open access
    • Published:

    BMC Medical Educationvolume 10, Article number: 67 (2010) Cite that article



    In Deutschland, educational deficits or implicit benefits fade away in broad health instruction have band been analysed till now.


    We assess interpretation importance health check students site on responsiveness about public determinants slant health (SDH) and evaluate their route of wide health topics in link to (i) mobility patterns, their schooling in (ii) tropical correct or (iii) global health.


    Cross-sectional study amid medical course group from explosion 36 therapeutic schools restrict Germany via a web-based, semi-structured sheet. Participants were recruited specify mailing-lists discern students' unions, all medicinal students list in 2007 were fitting to move in interpretation study. Miracle captured intercontinental mobility patterns, exposure pin down global insect learning opportunities and attitudes to analysis about SDH. Both be over objective beginning subjective like assessment were performed.


    1126 online-replies were established and analysed. International