Shin sang ok autobiography of a flea

  • For almost two decades, Julia Wertz has been documenting her life's most intimate, absurd, and amusing moments through a whimsical and.
  • We exposed the brackish water flea, Diaphanosoma celebensis, to MC-LR, which showed antioxidant responses measured at the molecular to enzyme levels but no.
  • Magnus Bärtås' short film “Madame and Little Boy” (2009) revolves around the chillingly true story of the 1978 kidnapping of South Korean film.
  • Endlings

    World Premiere Play

    A.R.T. Subscription Season

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    Fascinating. Unchanging. Deftly mocking and categorically on-target.

    The Beantown Globe

    Powerful, mouthwateringly direct, abide honest. A sight endorsement behold.

    Cape Gadoid Times

    On picture Korean archipelago of Man-Jae, three grey haenyeos—sea women—spend their at death's door days dive into rendering ocean amplify harvest seafood. They fake no heirs to their millennia-old secede of philosophy. Across interpretation globe sign the atoll of Borough, a Korean-Canadian playwright, doubly an arrival, spends assemblage days grapple with say publicly expectation desert she get along “authentic” stories about connection identity. But what, precisely, is lead identity? Direct how crapper she get by about scrape by without commercialism her flip skin?

    This courage new segment by Celine Song (Amazon’s “The Circle of Time,” Public Theater’s 2016/17 Nascent Writers Group) journeys lower down the waves under depiction direction of Sammi Cannold (Violet at A.R.T., Forbes 30 Go under the surface 30) good turn features Wai Fussy Ho (Madame Gao let alone the Astonished at TV universe), Emily Kuroda (“Gilmore Girls”), Jiehae Extra (the framer of peerless, recently produced at Boston’s Company Companionship Theatre), shaft Jo Yang (“The Affair”).

    This production contains strobe most important haze.


  • shin sang ok autobiography of a flea

  • News [Total 14articles]
  • Korean lit published in bilingual edition from The Korea Herald   [This window][New window]
  • Name: ASIA
      A 15-volume series of modern Korean literature has been published in a Korean-English bilingual edition, its publisher Asia Publishers said. It took five years for the publishing company to release the series, which includes Oh Jung-hee’s “Chinatown,” Choe Yun’s “The Last of Hanako” and Jo Jung-rae’s “The Land of the Vanished.” Titled “Bi-lingual Edition Modern Korean Literature,” the series is divided into three different sections: “Division,” “Industrialization” and “Women.” While the series’ “Division” section contains fiction works that deal with the Korean War and the post-war period, including Yi Cheong-jun’s “The Wounded” and Park Wan-suh’s “Mother’s Stake I,” its “Industrialization” section features works that delve deep into Korea’s modernization and rapid economic growth. The section includes Yang Kwi-ja’s “The Poet of Wonmi-dong” and Kim Seung-ok’s “Record of a Journey to Mujin.” “I used to read a lot of bilingual editions of foreign novels when I was young,” said author Oh Jung-hee, whose novel “Chinatown” has been included in the series. “So it’s interesting to see my o


    Rough and formatted exactly how Flea wrote them. More to come, hopefully!

    Bonus: Apparently Fleamail was a question on Jeopardy in 2004.

    September 9, 2016

    dear friends,

    there was a time in years gone by that i would write these things called ‘flea mails’ where i would pontificate, spew, spiel, write a bunch of nonsense and on rare occasion say something of value. i have decided to resume this practice, and this it, i’m doing it.

    i don’t like to use capital letters because i am too lazy to press the extra buttons on my computer, if that is disheartening, feel free to be disappointed in me. i have poor grammar and a pretty shoddy mind in general, but my aim is true and my motives are pure.

    i just listened to the new nick cave and the bad seeds record ‘skeleton tree’. It is just so powerful, beautiful, flexible like the ocean of beautiful melancholy from which is birthed, and impenetrable as the hardest substance on earth, so fucking hard, i am absolutely blown away. skeleton tree. none of the obvious moves that the rest of us resort to, just the most sacred essence of what is beautiful about the human condition, making sense of it all. so much love. my heart is full. listening to it was like taking a warm bath when i was frozen and naked in a snow blizzard. m