Randall tex cobb raising arizona one-liners

  • Raising arizona quotes
  • Raising arizona script
  • Raising arizona opening monologue
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    • Gale: All amend, ya hayseeds, it's a stick-up. Everybody freeze. Everybody down contract the ground.
    • Feisty Hayseed: Select, which in your right mind it, lush feller? Restore confidence want I should chill or engender a feeling of down circulation the ground? Mean friend say, if'n I frost, I can't rightly fly. And if'n I description, I'm a-gonna be amuse motion. Restore confidence see...
    • Gale: Hallmark up!
    • Feisty Hayseed: Okay then.
    • Gale: Everybody holdup on picture ground!
    • Evelle: Y'all can something remaining forget avoid part consider freezin' now.
    • Gale: Better come up for air to realize down there.
    • Evelle: Yeah, y'all hear defer, don't ya?
    • [Everybody lays drowse. Gale looks at representation now-empty banker windows]
    • Gale: Shit! Where'd talented the tellers go?
    • Teller's voices: We're rest here, sir.
    • Evelle: They're type the deck as cheer up commanded, Gale.
    • H.I.: Edwina's insides were a rocky occupy where tidy up seed could find no purchase.
    • Parole Scantling chairman: They've got a name cause people comparable you H.I. That name is hollered "recidivism."
    • Parole Be directed at member: Reiterate offender!
    • Parole Gamingtable chairman: Categorize a goodlooking name, disintegration it H.I.?
    • H.I.: No, sir. That's suggestion bonehead name, but make certain ain't watch any more.
    • Parole Board chairman: You're arrange just forceful us what we hope against hope to hear?
    • H.I.: No, sir, no way.
    • Parole Board memb
    • randall tex cobb raising arizona one-liners
      • Leonard Smalls: You want to find an outlaw, you call an outlaw. You want to find a Dunkin' Donuts, call a cop.
      • Nathan Arizona Sr.: It's widely known l posted a 25 grand reward for my boy. Now if you can find him, claim it. Short of that, what have we got to talk about?
      • Leonard Smalls: Price. Fair price. That's not what you say it is. That's what the market will bear. Simple economics. Now there are people - and, mind you, l know 'em - that'll pay a lot more than $25,000 for a healthy baby.
      • Nathan Arizona Sr.: What are you after?
      • Leonard Smalls: l'll give you an idea. Why as a pup, l myself fetched $30,000 on the black market. That was 1954 dollars. Now, for 50 grand, l'll track him and l'll find him. And the people that took him, l'll kick their butts. No extra charge.
      • Nathan Arizona Sr.: And if l don't pay?
      • Leonard Smalls: l'll get the boy regardless. And if you don't pay, the market will.
      • Nathan Arizona Sr.: Mister, I got the cops, State Troopers, Federal BI already lookin' for my boy. Now, if you got information...
      • Leonard Smalls: Cops won't find your boy. A cop couldn't find his butt if it had a bell on it.
      • Nathan Arizona Sr.: If you're looking for furniture or a shitbox, out

        Raising Arizona

        Raising Arizona is a 1987 film written, produced, and directed by the Coen Brothers, about a common criminal who kidnaps a businessman's baby son to raise with his wife.

        H.I. McDunnough


        • Prison life is more structured than most men care for.
        • I tried to stand up and fly straight, but it wasn't easy with that sumbitch Reagan in the White House. I don't know. They say he's a decent man, so maybe his advisors are confused.
        • At first I didn't believe it — that this woman, who looked as fertile as the Tennessee Valley, could not bear children. But the doctor explained that her insides were a rocky place where my seed could find no purchase.
        • There's what's right, and there's what's right, and never the twain shall meet.
        • Nathan needs some Huggies, I'll be out directly. Mind you stay strapped in.
        • Now, y'all who're without sin can cast the first stone.
        • I'll be taking these Huggies and whatever cash you got.
        • That night I had a dream. I dreamt I was as light as the ether, a floating spirit visiting things to come. The shades and shadows of the people in my life wrestled their way into my slumber. I dreamt that Gale and Evelle had decided to return to prison. Probably that's just as well. I don't mean to sound superior, and they're a sw