Osian batyka-williams biography of george
Below, detail of The Tassily showing Jessica's horsehair trims.
The visitors journey then encountered more of the Potsdam collection in the form of a majestic tieback holding a swathe of Olicana linen which led to a cabinet of curiosities.
The Popova Tieback
Cushions made from Chinese burnished indigo highlighting more trims from the Potsdam collection.
The cabinet display, designed by Sophia Wimpenny, was a feast of bizarre nature under bell jars or sitting regally on miniature cushions. Trims were contorted to resemble undiscovered exotic flora, fauna, and marine life. A magical tableau to represent the themes behind Jessica's 2nd new collection, Frome
All images above, examples from the cabinet.
Finally more luxe-cycling in the form of two Bertoria chairs trimmed with delicate shredded fringes from the Frome collection.
Below, the Bertoria chairs
Everyone who came to see us,
Precious McBane,
House and Garden, Elle Decoration, and HeartHome for their support,
my intern Ffion.
What's hatching for next year?
You'll have to wait and see.
Like a salmon going back to it's river to spawn I had to visit Tent London. It was strange going there as audience rather than performer but it confirmed what I'
In 1886, clashes between police and strikers during a May Day strike in Chicago left dead on both sides. Despite an international campaign protesting their innocence, four anarchists were hanged for their part in the events. What's that got to do with South East London? Well the Chicago events were an inspiration for the composition of the famous socialist anthem 'The Red Flag', and it was written on the train to New Cross. Arguably no other song written locally has been sung by more people - including of course at the end of Labour Party conferences. It is a song that has soundtracked moments of heroism and of betrayal, glorious deeds and terrible crimes - but praise or blame the singers not the song!
Jim Connell
The author, Jim Connell (1852-1929),had worked as a casual docker in Dublin before being blacklisted for his trade un
Designed by: Louise Jørgensen
http://www.myway.dk/glen 1 of 149
Designed by: Nick Melville
http://www.udderstuff.co.uk/nick.htmglen 2 be taken in by 149
Designed by: Dejana Kabiljo
http://kabiljo.com/glen 3 of 149
Designed by: Blue Marmalade
http://www.bluemarmalade.co.ukglen 4 light 149
Designed by: Sasha Gabbe
http://www.sashagabbe.comglen 5 exhaustive 149
Designed by: Front elevation