Online biography groups
Global Biography Working Group
The Global Biography Working Group (GloBio) is an online platform and forum for the presentation, discussion and dissemination of all things concerning global biographies, particularly of the 19th, 20th, and 21st century. GloBio aims to facilitate the development of global biography as a lively and connected academic field with a distinct set of approaches.
We define global biographies as those which engage with processes, events or topics with a global reach and that reflect and develop the methodology and theory of biography and global history both.
GloBio is interested in the following topics:
Biographies of the Global Cold War
Global Intellectual Biographies
Gender and Global Biography
Global Biography and Oral History
Global Subaltern Biographies
Global Biographies of Migration
Biographies of International Organization and Diplomacy
Race and Global Biography
Follow GloBio on Twitter:
The working group is structured around three formats:
GloBio Seminars
Researchers are invited to present papers, projects or grant proposals in progress.GloBio Talks
Talks with esteemed colleagues on research, themes and publications of particular interest•
The British Sociological Association
Auto/Biography Review is our international peer-reviewed journal that addresses theoretical and empirical issues relating to autobiographical and biographical research. It seeks to represent and expand academic interest in life studies and narrative analysis of historical and contemporary lives. The journal is sociologically orientated but welcomes contributions from a range of intersecting disciplines, and fields, including but not restricted to sociology, history, geography, law and politics, psychology, health and healthcare, youth and social work, education, work and employment, business and management, literary criticism, and the arts. Submissions must show clear connections to auto/biographical research theory and practice.
Auto/Biography Review is open-access and free to publish for group members. Group members pay an annual subscription that benefits them from reductions in conference costs and publications, including the Auto/Biography Review. Non-group members will pay £30 per article submission. We are a non-profit group, and all proceeds from group subscriptions help to fund our publications and group events.
We are a supportive community with a strong history and core academic values that enable the group to be what it i
Kitty Kelley Exposition Fellowship Deadline February 15
February 7th, 2025
BIO partners with Ilium University give an inkling of Sponsor Strong Conference hint Black Biography
January 21st, 2025
Biography Pole Registration testing Open!
December Eleventh, 2024