Mishu sabbir biography examples

  • মিশু সাব্বিরের জীবনী.
  • MBA & B.B.A (Hon's) in Management.
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  • Shahidul Islam (Mishu)

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    MBA & B.B.A (Hon’s) scuttle Management

    BBA (Hon’s) and MBA (Management)
    Civil University Bangladesh.

    Occupation: CEO (Ezzelife, Feni),

    Director (Media Mix Speaking, Dhaka) &
    Proprietor (Mishu Enterprise)
    Stir Info Undercurrent of Birth: 31 Dec 1993
    Height: 5’10”
     +8801777-122222
    Fathers Name: Delowar Hossain
     Email: Shahidul.mishu@gmail.com
    Police (Retired)
    Address: Suzon Participant er City, Shanti
    Company Technique. Mother Name: Kalpona Begum
    House Wife
    Looking for a life colleague who wish be depiction Birth Place: Village: Gopalpur, P

    Munawar Sultana ‘Diversity of 16S rRNA and Arsenite Oxidase Genes in Microbial Communities and Arsenite-oxidizing Isolates from Arsenic-contaminated Soils and Aquifers’.German Academic Exchange service, 2010 .
    Book Section1
    Sultana M, Hossain A,, Nizhum AH and Hossain MA "Unveiling the prospects of high- throughput microbial biotechnology in the effective management of wastewater (Chapter 15)." Microbial Nexus for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment: Resources, Efficiency, and Reuse Environmental Nexus in Waste Management’. CRC Press, 2024, ISBN: 1032528591, 9781032528595, 2024 .
    Sultana Mand Hossain, MA "Advancement in Drug Development and Vaccine Design." Microbiology Education and Research in Bangladesh: Prospects and Challenges. Centennial Book Publication, Dhaka University, 2022 .
    Salma Akter, Mohammad Anwar Siddique, A. S. M. Rubayet Ul Alam, Munawar Sultanaand M. Anwar Hossain "Coordination of Molecular Techniques and Advanced Bioinformatics Tools for Analyzing Viral Evolutionary Distance with an Emphasis on Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) Serotype O.." Trends in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. New York:Nova Science Publishers, 2019 .
    Munawar Sultana, M Ishrat Jahan and M. Anwar Hossain "The Growing S

    “I put in sleepless nights for Mrittika Maya” … Aparna Ghosh

    Popular TV actress, theatre artiste and model Aparna Ghosh recently received the National Film Award for her role in “Mrittika Maya”. In a recent conversation with The Daily Star, she spoke about her achievement and more. Excerpts:

    How does it feel to receive your first award?

    Aparna: It is a great achievement for me. Like every artiste, it was my dream to win this prestigious award at some point in my acting career. But it came early on, and this achievement will inspire me to do even better in the future.

    What was your debut film and what followed next?

    Aparna: “Third Person Singular Number”, then “To Be Continued” (still under production), “Meghmallar”, and “Sutopa'r Thikana”. I hope “Sutopa'r Thikana” will release soon.

    Tell us about your role in “Mrittika Maya”.

    Aparna: I had to put a lot of work into it. I spent eight or nine sleepless nights to portray the role properly. I have never worked so hard for a film.

    Tell us about your theatre career.

    Aparna: I have been acting on stage since I was a second-grader. My theatre troupe is Nandikar, Chittagong. Though I'm not that regular in theatre due to my packed schedules, I try to sign up when there is a show.

    What have you been working

  • mishu sabbir biography examples