Michael keenan mp biography of martin

  • Sir Norbert Keenan: oldest MP at retirement.
  • Michael Keenan.
  • High-ranking West Australian government minister Michael Keenan is pulling the plug on politics — the second big name to quit Scott Morrison's.
  • 43rd Parliament

    Anna Burke

    CWM — Chisholm (until 2012-10-09)

    SPK — Chisholm (2012-10-09 to 2013-08-05)

    Australian Labour Party — Chisholm (from 2013-08-05)

    Gender individual
    Born 1966-01-01
    openaustralia 10080
    aph 83S
    freebase /m/02py_r
  • michael keenan mp biography of martin
  • Stirling (Key Seat) - Federal Election 2013

    Link copied

    Solomon | Sturt

    Perth Northern Suburbs

    Marginal Liberal 5.6%


    Michael Keenan (LIB) since 2004.


    Stirling is a compact electorate in Perth's inner northern and beachside suburbs, lying between Scarborough Beach Road and Beach Road generally west of Alexander Driver. It includes the beachside suburbs of Scarborough, Trigg and North Beach, as well as Innaloo, Carine, the Osborne Park industrial estate, Balcatta, Stirling, Yokine, Balga and Nollamara. Covers 77 sq.km. (Map)


    Created in 1955, the electorate of Stirling is named after Sir James Stirling, the first governor of the Swan River Colony. Former members for Stirling include Fraser government minister Ian Viner (1972-83) and Labor's Ron Edwards (1983-93).

    Edwards was defeated in 1993 by radio broadcaster Eoin Cameron, who seemed to spend most of his time in Canberra fighting the Crichton-Brown forces in the W.A. Liberal Party before losing his seat to a 4.3% swing in 1998.

    Cameron's successor, Labor's Jann McFarlane, was re-elected in 2001 before being defeated in 2004 by current Liberal MP Michael Keenan. At the 2007 election, Labor mounted a strong challenge by nominati

    University news

    Dr Sheena McDonald will receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters (DLitt) in recognition for her work as a radio and television journalist and her lifelong support for many branches of the creative and performing arts. For while Sheena McDonald's contribution to the artistic life of Scotland may be less well known than her public success in media journalism, her presence on the boards of almost every major arts organisation in the country has been very active.

    Former post-graduate of the University, Keenan Smart will receive the Degree of Doctor of Science (DSc) in recognition for the major contributions as an outstanding wild life film-maker. After graduating from Glasgow University, he worked on the BBC series 'Flight of the Condor' which won six international awards. Keenan continued at the BBC to film nature in a wide variety of exotic and remote locations producing numerous award-winning programmes for many series including 'Wild Life on One' the 'Natural World' and the 'Trials of Life'. In 1991, after 14 years with the BBC, he was head-hunted by National Geographic where he has worked for the past 12 years as Head of National Geographic Television's Natural History Unit. Here his films have earned numerous 'Emmys' from the National Academy