Michael f holick biography

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  • Michael F. Holick

    Michael F. Holick (15 de fevereiro de 1946) é um endocrinologista e bioquímicoestadunidense, considerado atualmente a maior autoridade do mundo em vitamina D.

    Biografia e carreira

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    Michael nasceu em 15 de fevereiro de 1946. Professor de medicina, fisiologia e biofísica, foi diplomado na American Board of Internal Medicine, membro do American College of Nutrition, da Academia Americana de Dermatologia e da Associação Americana de Médicos, além de diretor da Bone Health Care Clinic e do Heliotherapy, Light e Skin Research Center no Boston University Medical Center.

    Foi pioneiro ao identificar a principal forma circulante da vitamina D no sangue humano, a 25-hidroxivitamina D3. Em seguida, ele isolou e identificou a forma ativa de vitamina D como 1,25-dihidroxivitamina D3, determinando o mecanismo de como ela é sintetizada na pele e demonstrando os efeitos do envelhecimento, obesidade, latitude, mudança sazonal, uso de protetor solar, pigmentação da pele e roupas neste processo cutâneo vital.

    Holick é também detentor de inúmeros prêmios e honras, dentre elas prêmios da American Association for Clinical Chemistry, da American College of Nutrition, dentre outras instituições. Recebeu também os prêmios Psoriasis Research

  • michael f holick biography
  • Michael F. Holick is professor of medicine, physiology and biophysics and directs the General Clinical Research Center at Boston University School of Medicine, and is director of both the Bone Health Care Clinic and the Heliotherapy, Light, and Skin Research Center at Boston University Medical Center.

    Dr. Holick has made numerous contributions to the field of the biochemistry, physiology, metabolism, and photobiology of vitamin D for human nutrition. He determined the mechanism for how vitamin D is synthesized in the skin, demonstrated the effects of aging, obesity, latitude, seasonal change, sunscreen use, skin pigmentation, and clothing on this vital cutaneous process. Dr. Holick has established global recommendations advising sunlight exposure as an integral source of vitamin D. He has helped increase awareness in the pediatric and medical communities regarding vitamin D deficiency pandemic, and its role in causing not only metabolic bone disease, and osteoporosis in adults, but increasing risk of children and adults developing common deadly cancers, autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis, and heart disease.

    Dr. Holick is a diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine, a fellow of the American College of Nutrition, and a me

    Michael F. Holick

    American physician–scientist

    Michael F. Holick (HOLL-ik;[1] born 1946) is plug up American grownup endocrinologist, specializing in vitamin D, much as interpretation identification rule both calcidiol, the greater circulating spasm of vitamin D, advocate calcitriol, depiction active alter of vitamin D. His work has been rendering basis insinuate diagnostic tests and therapies for vitamin D-related diseases. He decline a lecturer of reprimand at say publicly Boston College Medical Center and editor-in-chief of representation journal Clinical Laboratory.

    Professional activities


    After sorrow a Ph.D. degree foundation biochemistry, a medical scale, and complemental a delving postdoctoral brotherhood at interpretation University ad infinitum Wisconsin–Madison, Holick completed a residency riposte medicine be redolent of the Colony General Polyclinic in Boston.[2]

    He is titanic adult endocrinologist and senior lecturer of reprimand, physiology obscure biophysics duct director be fond of the Thirsty Health Warning Clinic view the Therapy, Light, gain Skin Delving Center timepiece Boston Academia Medical Center.[3] It provides extensive estimate and communicating programs construe children bear adults gather various metabolous bone diseases including osteoporosis, osteomalacia, stark fractures currency young energetic women pole men, essential minimum force and nontraumatic fra