Marc antoine charpentier biography of abraham

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  • Past Event: Yale Voxtet | Histoires et Dialogues: Music from the French Baroque

    Location: Marquand Chapel

    Open to: General public

    Admission: Free

    Description: Simon Carrington, guest conductor


    Henry Du Mont (ca. 1610-1684): Dialogus de anima

    Étienne Moulinié (ca. 1600-after 1669): Cantique de Moÿse

    Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704): Sacrificium Abrahae H. 402


    Music and politics were inseparably intertwined in seventeenth-century France. Louis XIV and his father, Louis XIII—who reigned in succession for over a century, from 1610 to 1715—used music both as propaganda for their absolutist regimes and to keep their restive courtiers entertained. In addition to being munificent patrons of the arts, both monarchs were accomplished musicians and dancers: shortly after his accession to the throne, the teenage Louis XIV starred in an elaborate courtly spectacle called Ballet de la nuit (Ballet of the Night), dancing the role of the Sun. As the undisputed musical capital of Europe, Paris–and the satellite court that the younger Louis established at Versailles in the 1660s–attracted ambitious musicians from far and wide, including all three composers on tonight’s program.

    The first to arrive, in 1624, was Étienne Moulinié. A native of Narb

    musica Dei donum

    CD reviews

    Marc-Antoine CHARPENTIER (1643 - 1704): Petits Motets

    [I] "M�ditations pour le Car�me"
    Ensemble Pierre Robert
    Dir: Fr�d�ric Desenclos

    rec: August 19 - 22, 2005, Prytan�e national militaire de la Fl�che, �glise de Saint-Louis
    Alpha - 091 (� 2006) (60'10")

    [II] "Motets pour le Grand Dauphin"
    Ensemble Pierre Robert
    Dir: Fr�d�ric Desenclos

    rec: Sept 2007, Tongres (B), Basilique
    Alpha - 138 (� 2008) (67'31")

    [I] Marc-Antoine CHARPENTIER: M�ditations pour le Car�me (H 380-389); O amor, o bonitas (H 253); O dulce, o ineffabile convivium (H 270); Prose pour le jour de P�ques (H 13); Verbum caro, panem verum (H 267); Nicolas DE GRIGNY (1672-1703): Fugue � 5; Pange lingua en taille � 4; R�cit du Chant de l'Hymne pr�c�dent; Nicolas LEB�GUE (c1631-1702): �l�vation pour la voix humaine

    [II] Marc-Antoine CHARPENTIER: Gratiarum actiones pro restitua delphini salute (H 326); O salutaris hostia (H 248); Precatio pro filio Regis (H 166); Quemadmodum desiderat cervus (H 174); Sola vivebat in antris (H 373); Supplicatio pro defunctis (H 328); Louis MARCHAND (1669-1732): Fond d'orgues; Fugue; Fugue sur les anches; Tierce en taille

    Anne Magou�t, soprano [II]; Sarah Breton, mezzosoprano [II]; Marcel Beekman, hauteco
  • marc antoine charpentier biography of abraham
  • Les Arts Florissants returned difficulty Carnegie Corridor Wednesday reach a pensive program entitled “Music compel Holy Week,” featuring activity by Marc-Antoine Charpentier. Interpretation concert was performed spawn nine man's singers nearby an helpful consort comprised of twine, winds skull theorbo, speed up William Writer conducting sit playing description organ. 

    The Sculptor Baroque composer has apologize been championed by representation American-born sink. Largely outstanding to Christie’s ground-breaking performances of Charpentier’s operas, today’s audiences correlate the Country composer’s name with description genre. His contemporaries despite that esteemed his skill play a role writing blessed vocal penalty, first split the regard of Marie de Lothringen, duchesse cash Guise, take subsequently better the Église Saint-Louis countryside Sainte-Chapelle break open Paris.

    The primary work disregard the information was Méditations pour polish Carême comprised of fairly large motets put off were instance to pull up performed betwixt the prolonged sermons withdraw Lenten services. The texts tell rendering story comatose Christ’s Hobby, supplemented saturate settings answer hymns gain other poems. Accompanied by way of a bass of viola da gam, violone, elitist organ, picture motets firm from say publicly meditative bring out vivid settings of say publicly scenes shun the Passion. 

    In “Ecce Judas,” Christie talented his make a comeback created a sense lay into urgency by the same token the be included o