Joetta maue biography template
Selected Exhibitions
in transition, Town Gallery, Beantown, MA., Pace 2015
when the plants need water, U-Forge Veranda. Boston, Rig. February 2014
Sleepers, ArtsPlace Main Drift, Portland Gather, September-October 2012.
the vastness between, Retreat Gallery, Missionary, MI., Lordly 2012
the space between, Textile Terrace Center, Borough NY, Resource 2012
You are Impress to me, Solo
Meet Joetta Maue
[Brea Gallery]: Can you explain the inspiration behind your “Sleeper” series?
[Joetta]: “Sleepers” is inspired by a body of work that is located within the landscape of the home, focusing on the conflicts and contradictions that exist within intimate relationships and the issues of identity that can come up in marriage and long-term relationships.
The bed is an important location within the landscape of intimacy, and I have often returned to it as subject in my work. I consider the role of the bed in our everyday lives, its power, but also how it is a forgotten, dismissed, overlooked space, is the last room to be renovated, the door that gets closed when guests come over, the place where most of us are born and most of us die. This meditation on the bed put me in contact with the liminal nature of the bed.
Simultaneously, in my daily practice of photography - I was photographing myself and my husband – this included us sleeping. In the sleeping images I was struck by the thought that not only is the bed a liminal space but our very bodies are in a moment of the liminal — we are soft but splayed, in a place of in-between, we look both angelic and death-like, conscious and unconscious – this led me to explore the sleeping figure as a subje
Joetta Maue
Joetta Maue is an artist, curator, and arts writer. Her most recent body of work is a series of embroideries and images exploring the conflicts and contradictions that exist within intimacy and the domestic space. Joetta’s work resides within the realm of the everyday, everyday objects, autobiography, and the female. She is especially interested in the role of personal relationships in our lives, seen in our most intimate moments and spaces.
The role of craft practices such as embroidery and knitting are essential to her work because of their slow meditative labor and their role in the history of the woman’s voice. All of the linens used in her work are re-appropriated handmade linens creating collaboration between her and women of the past.
Joetta received her BFA from Ohio State University and her MFA from the University of Massachusetts. Joetta’s work has been shown throughout galleries and museums across the country. Most recently as a featured artist at the Uforge Gallery in Boston and the Dowd Gallery part if SUNY, Cortland, NY.
Joetta authors the popular textile arts blog Little Yellowbird as well as being a regular contributor to the Surface Design Association and theonline journal Mr. X Stitch. Joetta is a freelance curator who has curated 5 NYC and 1