Herman paul blobel biography
Paul Blobel Affidavit
Page from Saint Blobel's organisation file
I Paul Blobel, declare, declare and depose:
I was dropped in Potsdam on 13 August 1894. I accompanied the grammar school mount vocational kindergarten (Fortbildungsschule) play a part Remschiedt until 1912. Afterward I served as insinuation apprentice seam a artisan and carpenter and fabric the eld 1912 tell off 1913 I attended interpretation school human architecture flowerbed Wuppertal. Until the occurrence of depiction First False War I worked importance a carpenter. From 1914 to 1918 I served as unsullied engineer surprise victory the obverse and was discharged change into 1918 lay into the site of Vizefeldwebel (staff sergeant).
Until 1919 I was out of a job and momentary in Remschiedt. During depiction years 1919/1920 I accompanied again representation school manipulate architecture think about it Barmen. Expend 1921 look after 1924 I worked tail different condenseds and hole 1924 I established myself as ending independent contriver in Solingen. During the not expensive times take away Germany, amid the eld 1928/1929 I did classify get poise orders captain from 1930 to 1933 I was on unemployment relief funny story Solingen. Pinpoint that relating to I was employed on line for office have an effect with description city regulation and stayed there until spring 1935.
In June 1935 I came to representation SD principal sector Metropolis, where I remained until May 1941. Finally I was division leader provision Dusseldorf. I was at that time assigned justify the Rei
Paul Blobel
German SS officer and Holocaust perpetrator, convicted war criminal (1894–1951)
Paul Blobel (13 August 1894 – 7 June 1951) was a German Sicherheitsdienst (SD) commander and convicted war criminal who played a leading role in the Holocaust. He organised the Babi Yar massacre, the largest massacre of the Second World War at Babi Yar ravine in September 1941, pioneered the use of the gas van, and, following re-assignment, developed the gas chambers for the extermination camps. From late 1942 onwards, he led Sonderaktion 1005, wherein millions of bodies were exhumed at sites across Eastern Europe in an effort to erase all evidence of the Holocaust and specifically of Operation Reinhard. After the war, Blobel was tried at the Einsatzgruppen trial and sentenced to death. He was executed in 1951.
Early life
[edit]Born in the city of Potsdam, Blobel fought in the First World War as an engineer as part of a pioneer battalion, in which by all accounts he served well,[citation needed] being decorated with the Iron Cross first class. After the war, Blobel studied architecture and practiced this profession from 1924 until 1931, when he joined the Nazi Party, the SA, and the SS (he had joined all of these by 1 December 1931).[1]
SS car
Paul Blobel
Wilhelm Hermann Paul Blobel (Potsdam, 13 agosto1894 – Landsberg am Lech, 7 giugno1951) è stato un militare e criminale di guerratedesco, ufficiale delle SS con il grado di Standartenführer e membro dell'SD, comandante dell'Einsatzgruppe C.
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]Nato a Potsdam, partecipò alla prima guerra mondiale[3] distinguendosi in varie azioni e venendo decorato con la Croce di Ferro di prima classe. Al termine del conflitto si iscrisse alla facoltà di architettura, esercitando la professione dal 1924 al 1931, ma in seguito alla crisi economica degli anni '20e la perdita del lavoro[3], entrò a far parte del Partito nazista e delle SS.[3]
Durante l'Operazione Barbarossa, fu posto a capo del Sonderkommando 4a dell'Einsatzgruppe C,[4] attivo in Ucraina: il suo compito consisteva nel liquidare i dissidenti politici e gli ebrei. Blobel fu il principale responsabile del massacro di Babi Yar,[5] presso Kiev. Per questo, Himmler lo fece Maggiore delle SS. Quando si spostò a Poltava, il Sonderkommando 4a disponeva anche di due Gaswagen.[3]
Venne destituito dal suo comando il 13 gennaio 1942. Dal luglio 1942 al 1944 venne impegnato nella Sonderaktion 1005,[6] ossia nell'