Gillian amalia zinsser biography of christopher

  • The first edition of Douglas‟s Bio-Bibliography was published in Pat Hudson (ed.), Living.
  • This essay considers the edges of knowledge of what has come to be called abrupt ecological change as well as its perceived dynamics, triggers, and sentinels.
  • I have no staff, no interns, not even an assistant — a thoroughly one-woman labor of love that is also my life and my livelihood.
  • Bluestocking Feminism and British-German Cultural Transfer, 1750-1837

    Works Cited

    Primary Sources

    Algarotti, Francesco. Il Newtonianismo per le dame (1737). Translated by Elizabeth Carter as Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy explain'd for the use of the ladies. In six dialogues on light and colours. London: E. Cave, 1739.

    André, Christian Carl. Bildung der Töchter in Schnepfenthal. Göttingen: J. D. Dieterich, 1789.

    André, Christian Carl. Kleine Wandrungen auch größere Reisen der weiblichen Zöglinge zu Schnepfenthal, um Natur, Kunst und den Menschen immer besser kennen zu lernen. Leipzig: Crusius, 1788.

    Anonymous. Beschluss der Bundes-Versammlung vom 10. Dezember 1835. Reports 1835–37.

    Anonymous review. Blätter für literarische Unterhaltung. 1, nr. 149. (Mittwoch, 29 May 1839): 602–4.

    Anonymous review. Blätter zur Kunde der Literatur des Auslands. 4 (1839). Nr. 129 (21 November 1839): 513–14, and nr. 130 (24 November 1839): 517–19; Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta, 1839.

    Anonymous review. British and Foreign Review 8 (1839): 137.

    Anonymous review. The Catholic World: Monthly Magazine of General Literature and Science 50 (Oct. 1889–Mar. 1890).


    all subjects

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    Bibliography of Feminist Philosophers Writing about the History of Philosophy

    This Bibliography was first constructed by Abigail Gosselin, who maintained it until 2006. In 2015, it was revised and restructured by Rosalind Chaplin and Emily Hodges.

    The bibliography begins with a general section of sources that span historical periods. The sections that follow are organized by historical period. Each section begins with a set of general sources for the period. It then lists philosophers from the period in alphabetical order with sources proper to those figures. With respect to secondary sources, this bibliography focuses on material written in English.

    This 2015 revision includes substantial additions through the 18th Century. The 19th through 20th Century sections have not been substantially revised since 2006. Some annotations are provided, especially for general sources. These annotations, however, may not include complete information regarding the figures covered in the volume.



    • Antony, Louise and Charlotte Witt (eds.), 1993. A Mind of One's Own: Feminist Essays on Reason and Objectivity, Boulder: Westview Press.
    • Alanen, Lilli and Charlotte Witt (eds.), 2004. Feminist Reflections on the History of Philosophy, Dordrecht/Boston: Kluwer Academic Pu
    • gillian amalia zinsser biography of christopher