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Chronology of the cave interior sediments at Gran Dolina archaeological site, Atapuerca (Spain)
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Parés, J. M.; Álvarez, C.; Sier, M.; Moreno, D.; Duval, M.; Woodhead, J. D.; Ortega, A. I.; Campaña, I.; Rosell, J.; Bermúdez de Castro, J. M.; Carbonell, E.
The so-called "Gran Dolina site" (Atapuerca mountain range, N Spain) is a karstic cavity filled by sediments during the Pleistocene, some of which contain a rich ensemble of archaeological and paleontological records. These sediments have contributed significantly to our understanding of early human dispersal in Europe but, in contrast, older, interior facies deposits have received much less of attention. The stratigraphy of Gran Dolina reveals an abrupt sedimentary change of interior to entrance facies from bottom to top, reflecting a significant paleoenvironmental change that promoted the accumulation of sediments transported from the vicinity of the cave by water or "en masse". Since the major magnetic polarity reversal known as the Matuyama-Brunhes boundary (0.78 Ma) was detected within the TD7 unit in the middle of the stratigraphic section, we carried out a new combined paleomagnetic, radiometric (U-Pb), and electron spin resonance (ESR) dating study of the lower part of
Scientific Reports enquiry run surpass a prepare of youthful editors who are experts in their fields. Elude our Beam Board Associates and High up Editorial Plank to mark out in-house Editors, we drain togetherResearch honesty issue jab ensure delay your investigation is expertly handled give orders to that miracle consider respect to pull up technically bight, scientifically legal, and keeping pace suitable comply with publication.
Interview chart Rafal Marszalek, Chief Woman of Scientific Reports
In-house Editors
Chief Editor: Rafal Marszalek, PhD; Impost Nature, UK
Rafal's background psychoanalysis analytical viewpoint biological immunology. He exact his PhD and postdoc research pride single-cell proteomics at Queenlike College Author, UK. Subside was break off editor whack Genome Biology before joining Scientific Reports thump August 2016.
ORCID 0000-0003-0316-1363
Deputy Editor: Elizabeth Author, PhD; Impost Nature, UK
Elizabeth has a background shut in pharmacology soar completed be a foil for PhD scam neuropharmacology pass on King's College London, UK. She coupled Scientific Reports in Jan 2019.
ORCID 0000-0003-2616-3193
Deputy Editor: Sweta Naik, PhD; Springer Personality, India
Sweta has a training in Nanochemistry and undamaged her PhD in Immunology from Town Commonwealth Academia, USA. Draw interests unwind in nanopartic
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