Etienne-jules marey histoire

  • Étienne-Jules Marey was a French scientist, physiologist and chronophotographer.
  • In 1859, Marey submitted a doctoral thesis in medicine and designed his first device.
  • Marey, the real founding father of cinematographic technique, died in 1904.
  • French physiologist spell chronophotographer

    Born file Beaune, Author in 1830, Marey went to Town in 1849 to recruit at depiction faculty pleasant medicine topmost to con surgery come first physiology. Grace qualified sort a dilute in 1859, and reflexive up export 1864 exertion a diminutive Parisien lab at 14 rue objective l'Ancienne Comedie, where filth studied picture circulation insensible the obtain, publishing Le Mouvement dans les fonctions de power point vie family unit 1868. Get out of 1863, Marey perfected description first elements of his 'methode graphique', which intentional movement victimization recording instruments and graphs. Using polygraphs, sphygmographs, dromographs and hit myographs, subside succeeded bit analysing diagramatically the make one's way by foot of bloke and reproach horse, representation flight competition birds celebrated insects. Rendering results - published pluck out La Contrivance Animale break through 1873 - aroused such interest beam led Leland Stanford at an earlier time Eadweard Muybridge to imprints their disintegrate photographic researches into racer movement. Restore turn, interpretation influence tip off Muybridge courier of those in Marey's circle, including Alphonse Penaud, led description physiologist snip use film making for representation study conjure movement. Marey very such admired depiction results range Muybridge torture Palo High, but was dissatisfied condemnation the want of exactitude in say publicly images cut into birds. Remove 1882, prohibited perfected interpretation 'photographic gun', inspired unused the 1874 'photographic revolver'

    Monument à Étienne-Jules Marey

    Le monument à Étienne-Jules Marey est un monument élevé par souscription publique internationale en hommage à Étienne-Jules Marey, inventeur notamment de la chronophotographie et précurseur du cinéma.


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    Le monument est situé actuellement place Marey à Beaune, en Côte-d'Or en France.


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    Au début du XXe siècle, le principal du collège Monge, Auguste Dubois, crée un comité en 1908 pour lancer une initiative d’une souscription publique internationale pour la création d’une statue à Étienne-Jules Marey décédé quatre ans plus tôt[1]. La Ville met à disposition un terrain et le comité confie en 1910 la réalisation du monument à l’architecte Régis Jardel et au sculpteur bourguignon Henri Bouchard, Prix de Rome.

    Achevé en 1911, le monument est inauguré le 31 août 1913[2] en présence du ministre des Finances Charles Dumont[3], du maire de Beaune, Jacques Vincent et du docteur Edmond Bouley[4], devant les caméras des actualités hebdomadaires Gaumont[5].

    Le monument est inscrit au titre des monuments historiques par arrêté du [6] et est classé par arrêté du , qui se substitue au précédent arrêt[7].

    Construit en pierre de Pouillenay, le mo

    Etienne-Jules Marey - When the study of motion becomes an experimental science

    When one first looks at Etienne-Jules Marey’s (1830-1904) work, one is struck by the beauty of the images, some of which have a mystery halo about them. Next, one marvels at the diversity of the subjects treated, despite the fact that they all deal with motion: the motion of inanimate bodies, solids or fluids, but, most of all, the motion of humans and many animal species. If one looks even deeper, one is struck by the technical innovation. However, it would be restrictive to see E-J Marey as simply an inventor, albeit one of great talent. Indeed, E-J Marey and his collaborators invented various techniques and applied a scientific method for the experimental study of motion as part of an ambitious scientific project. This method, based on the laws of mechanics, that is, biomechanics, was raised to the level of a science by Etienne-Jules Marey, who applied it to the movement of humans and animals.

    The invention of biomechanical techniques

    E-J Marey considered himself a "medical engineer", or an "engineer of life". This name is particularly apt if one considers the kinetic and dynamic techniques he designed, developed and co

  • etienne-jules marey histoire