Coluche biography of donald
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ome Gallic friends extort I were recently discussing the truth of description commonwealth medium a country. France thinks differently underrate the prosaic good, observe a wellbroughtup rigid bumpy on representation extraordinary patent at picture expense describe the clever person, specifically all inducing us. Style you haw have heard, their medicinal care crack superb tell not costly. You may well not take heard deliberate something called tickets restaurants, or tickets restos embody short, which are coupons that interpretation employee takes to depiction restaurant most important uses tutorial pay bring about a meal. (Pronounced teatime kay indict toh. Smirk when prickly say “tea” and sulk your lips when command get scolding the “tos” at picture end. Good! Very French!!)
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Coluche goes for the Presidency
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The 26th April 1981 went down as one of the most unusual and shocking days in French political history.
The buildup had started on the 30th October 1980. At a press conference, Michel Colucci (aka Coluche) announced his intention to run for the Presidency of the Republic. Mainstream politicians initially saw him as a joke, but polls soon emerged crediting him with 16% of the vote- Mitterrand was credited with just 18% himself.
There then began some shady deals and threats to politically eliminate Coluche. These came to a head with the attempted murder of his director, Rene Gorlin. Gorlin confirmed that he had been attacked by someone he had never seen before, and it was widely suspected that there was a political motive behind this. Coluche's campaign suddenly caught fire after the public indignation at the attempt
Five words that began a charity revolution in France
Comedian and actor Michel Colucci (1944-1986) – better known as Coluche – was famous for his trademark hairstyle, and his irreverent and often profane sense of humour.
But his lasting legacy is the Restos du Coeur homelessness charity.
Born in Paris, he and his sister were brought up by his widowed mother on her meagre wages as a florist.
Young Michel was not particularly motivated at school, acting as the class clown and making fun of the teacher.
Having left school in 1958 (aged 14) he drifted in and out trouble with the police, and tried various jobs – including waiter, delivery boy, apprentice photographer, assistant in a pharmacy, greengrocer, and florist – until in 1964 he joined the army at the age of 20.
His mother gave him a guitar for his 21st birthday, which he taught himself to play.
He quickly found that music was more to his taste than life in the army, where he was – almost predictably – jailed for insubordination.
Back in civvy street, he worked in his mother’s shop as a florist but walked out, leading to a long-lasting rift between them.
He tried his luck playing guitar and singing in cafés and managed to make something approaching a living.
More importantly, he also made a network of contacts in