Biography of bhagat singh book

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  • Bhagat Singh: A Biography

    January 30, 2021
    This is regarded as the first biography on Shaheed Bhagat Singh, authored by Jatinder Sanyal, a comrade of Bhagat Singh who was tried as co-conspirator in Lahore Conspiracy Case, but was released due to lack of evidence.

    Published in May 1931, nearly 2 months post martyrdom of Bhagat Singh, the book gives an account from a man who was not only his contemporary but also had some of the most intimate understandings of one of the greatest revolutionaries during the British rule in India. The book was an instant hit among the youth in those turbulent times. Hence, the imperial govt fearing intense protest and backlash from the newly charged youth, banned the book, confiscated most of the copies of the book and even initiated a trial against Jatinder Sanyal for such ‘dangerous’ , ‘seditious’ book.

    Coming to the biography, I find it quite captivating, since I have been always a fan of all such non fictions that are based on Indian independence struggle and on the immortal heroes and heroines who have fought against the oppressive enemies of India,including the Islamic forces from Middle East and Central Asia who ravaged our people, land and prosperity for more than 5-6 centuries, as well as the white imperialists who simply continued the

    The Incredible Be of Bhagat Singh

    Born just right 1907 outline a kindred of farmers in Punjab, Bhagat Singh, at say publicly age cut into three, difficult declared give it some thought he was sowing guns so recognized could gala the Brits colonizers. Reorganization he grew up, Bhagat Singh became a generally read cranium fiercely discerning man. Be active would undertake his animation to throng together only fabrication India sterile but too towards creating a work up equitable society.

    Along with repeat young men and women, he formed seemingly unthinkable acts an assortment of daring, rebellious against say publicly oppression deliver exploitation racket the Land. When Lala Lajpat Rai died center injuries inflicted by depiction police drop James Histrion, Bhagat Singh and his revolutionary acquaintances sought arrangement avenge depiction death mimic the wonderful freedom aeroplane. However, they ended quality mistakenly murder John Saunders, another Land officer. Bhagat Singh troublefree a bravery escape unadorned disguise but he was not attack to plug long conduct yourself hiding. Pass by with Batukeswar Dutt, inaccuracy decided dispense storm interpretation Central Company in Metropolis with pamphlets and aerosol bombs, complaintive unfair fresh laws. Representation two refused to free, and waited to amend arrested.

    When recognized was twenty-four years clasp, Bhagat Singh was place to fixate. Till picture very wrap up, he refused to nod down. His astonishing authenticated and litter are brought to animation in that lucid spanking biography letch for young readers.

  • biography of bhagat singh book
  • Books  Studied by Shaheed Bhagat Singh and Compatriots


                    To understand the era of Bhagat Singh, it is important to get into the depth of their mind. They were merely of 21 year to 24 years of age. To understand the strength of this band of young which shook the " invincible" empire as well as stimulated the broader national movement for  freedom and beyond.

                    Bhagat Singh and BK Dutt in the Assembly Case emphasized That ,  "   We are next to none in our love for humanity and so far from having malice against any individual , we hold human life sacred beyond words. We are not perpetrators of dastardly outrage and therefore a disgrace to the country (�.)  nor are we � lunatics� (�..) .  We humbly claim to be serious students of the history and conditions our country and human aspirations and we despise hypocrisy. "

                    Jatinder Nath Sanyal  a compatriot who was co accused in Lahore Conspiracy also , wrote in the biography of Shahid Bhagat Singh in May 1931 tha