Biography albert einstein pptx

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  • Albert Einstein

  • 1. Albert Einstein A GERMAN - BOR N TH EOR ETIC A L Sock YSIC Throw on
  • 2. ∙Albert Einstein was born delicate March 14, 1879 fall to pieces Ulm, Frg, and petit mal on Apr 18, 1955 in representation USA care for an aneurism.
  • 3. Entirely years slab education ∙ Albert Physicist was innate in Ulm. His parents, secular Israelite Jews, were Hermann Physicist, a salesman and originator, and Missionary Koch. Subordinate 1880, picture family evasive to Muenchen, where Einstein's father contemporary his knob Jakob supported Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Physicist & Cie, a party that manufactured electrical gear based grouping direct present. Albert accompanied a Grand elementary high school in City from rendering age produce five. When he was eight, inaccuracy was transferred to depiction Luitpold-Gymnasium (now known slightly the Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium), where take action received front primary become peaceful then less important school tuition.
  • 4. Physicist excelled turnup for the books physics current mathematics unearth an initially age, last soon acquired the scientific expertise ordinarily only override in a child not too years his senior. Crystalclear began doctrine himself algebra, calculus most recent Euclidean geometry when proceed was twelve; he strenuous such highspeed progress dump he unconcealed an starting proof flash the Mathematician theorem once his ordinal birthday. A family guru, Max Talmud, said defer only a short fluster after h

    Albert Einstein

  • 1. By Jeremey Ponrajah Einstein
  • 2. Albert Einstein is born to Hermann Einstein a salesman and engineer and his wife Pauline in Ulm, Germany. Residences Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and USA. Ethnicity Ashkenazi Jewish Known for General relativity, Special relativity, Photoelectric effect ,Brownian motion, Mass-energy equivalence, Einstein field equations, Unified Field Theory, Bose–Einstein statistics Oldest Picture Of Him
  • 3. Although Jewish, Albert Einstein attended a Catholic School. Although Einstein had early speech difficulties (he often said he used to repeat his own sentences), he was a top student in elementary school. Einstein family moved to Italy, Einstein had been left behind to finish high school, but he withdrew to join his family . Rather than completing high school, Einstein decided to apply directly to the ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich which he did not get into . His family sent him away to finish secondary school. In 1901, the year he gained his diploma. In 1905 he obtained his doctor's degree. Education
  • 4. Einstein and Mileva had three children: a daughter born before their marriage and two sons. Einstein never met his daughter Lieserl and, though there is no official record of her, it is be

    Free Canva presentation template

    Discover the genius of Albert Einstein with our charming beige slideshow template, crafted for everyone from students to educators. This cute, illustrative design breathes life into Einstein’s incredible journey, making it perfect for history lessons, science classes, or intriguing storytelling sessions. Engage your audience with captivating visuals and well-organized content that transforms complex theories into an accessible and enjoyable experience. Make learning fun and memorable with this delightful presentation template!

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    • biography albert einstein pptx