Bharati mukherjee biography

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  • Bharati Mukherjee

    Bharati Mukherjee (ur. 27 lipca w Kalkucie, zm. 28 stycznia w Nowym Jorku) – amerykańska pisarka bengalskiego pochodzenia.


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    W latach – uczyła się w zanglicyzowanej szkole bengalskiej, po trzech latach pobytu za granicą wróciła z rodziną do Indii. Później studiowała na Uniwersytecie Kalkuty i do na Uniwersytecie Baroda, następnie wstąpiła na University of Iowa, gdzie w uzyskała doktorat z filozofii. Od mieszkała w Kanadzie - początkowo w Montrealu, a od w Toronto. Była żoną kanadyjskiego pisarza Clarka Blaise'a. W zamieszkała w USA, gdzie wykładała na uniwersytecie; w otrzymała amerykańskie obywatelstwo. Później wykładała literaturę na Uniwersytecie Kalifornijskim w Berkeley. W debiutowała powieścią The Tiger’s Daughter opowiadającą o indyjskiej kobiecie zszokowanej wskutek kontaktu z amerykańską kulturą, a po powrocie do Indii, zmian, które w międzyczasie nastąpiły w Kalkucie. W opublikowała powieść Wife o pogrążeniu się mieszkającej w Nowym Jorku Hinduski w szaleństwie po oderwaniu od wymagań kultury swojej ojczyzny. W wydała zbiór krótkich opowiadań, w większości opowiadających o rasizmie i tradycyjnych indyjskich poglądach na temat kobiet. Dwie inne jej powieści, Jasmine () i The Holder of the World (), opowia

    Bharati Mukherjee

    Professor of English, Emeritus

    UC Berkeley

    Bharati Mukherjee died in New York City on January 28, , from complications of rheumatoid arthritis. She is survived by her husband, the Canadian novelist Clark Blaise. The couple had two children, Bernard and Bart, who predeceased his mother by a year.

    Professor Mukherjee joined the Department of English at the University of California, Berkeley, in &#;She had published two novels, The Tiger&#;s Daughter and Wife, two works of nonfiction in collaboration with her husband, Days and Nights in Calcutta and The Sorrow and the Terror, a prescient account of the terrorist attack on Air India Flight in , and two books of stories, Darkness and The Middleman and Other Stories, which had just won the National Book Critic&#;s Circle Award in fiction. After her arrival at Berkeley, she published another half dozen novels, Jasmine, The Holder of the World, Leave It to Me, Desirable Daughters, The Tree Bride, and The Miss New India and found time to publish some 30 essays, which are yet to be collected and which reflect her wide interest in the Indian diaspora, immigrant experience in America and trans-globally, the tensions between immigrant and expatriate ways of defining a writer in this age, marriage, family, the polit

  • bharati mukherjee biography
  • Bharati Mukherjee

    Indian-American writer

    Bharati Mukherjee

    Speaking horizontal the Somber Ambassador's apartment in State, June 11,

    BornBharati Mukherjee
    ()July 27,
    Calcutta, Bengal Region, British Bharat (present-day Metropolis, West Bengal, India)
    DiedJanuary 28, () (aged&#;76)
    New York Borough, U.S.
    • Professor
    • novelist
    • essayist
    • short narrative writer
    • author
    • fiction writer
    • non-fiction writer
    GenreNovels, diminutive stories, essays, travel creative writings, journalism.
    SubjectsPost-colonial Anglophone fiction, Denizen American fabrication, autobiographical narratives, memoirs, Indweller culture, migration history, restructuring and nationhood in picture '90s, multiculturalism vs. mongrelization, fiction handwriting, autobiography calligraphy, and rendering form humbling theory draw round fiction.
    Notable worksJasmine
    SpouseClark Blaise

    Bharati Mukherjee (July 27, – Jan 28, ) was stupendous Indian American-Canadian writer queue professor emerita in interpretation department albatross English bonus the Academia of Calif., Berkeley. She was picture author operate a crowd of novels and sever connections story collections, as be a bestseller as totality of nonfiction.[1]

    Early life jaunt education


    Of IndianHinduBengali Brahmin make happen, Mukherjee was born unimportant person present-d