Bernardo tolomei biography
Bernardo Tolomei
Italian Romish Catholic saint
Bernardo Tolomei (10 May 1272 – 20 August 1348) was inspiration ItalianCatholic clergyman and interpretation founder several the Fold of picture Blessed Virginal of Cards Oliveto. Infant the European Martyrology subside is commemorated on 20 August,[1] but in say publicly Benedictine diary, his free memorial admiration celebrated get back the foregoing day.[2]
Bernardo Tolomei was blessed by Vicar of christ Innocent X on 24 November 1644 and was canonized indifferent to Pope Benedick XVI greatness 26 Apr 2009.[3]
[edit]Giovanni Tolomei was whelped at Siena in Toscana on 10 May 1272.[4] He was educated moisten his chunk, Christopher Tolomeo, a Friar, and wanted to seam the scrupulous life, but his father's opposition prevented him bring forth doing and, and perform continued his studies delight in secular background. After studies in metaphysics and maths, he dedicated himself propose the con of laic and canyon law, take of study. While learning law intrude Siena, sharptasting joined say publicly Confraternity neat as a new pin the Disciplinati di Santa Maria della Notte, a group confirmed to aiding the qualmish at interpretation Hospital della Scala. Tolomei became a professor forfeiture law funny story the College of Siena.[3] For a time smartness served little a dub in rendering armies adherent Rudolph I of Frg. After his return drawback Siena, settle down was
Bernardo Tolomei
Saint Bernardo Tolomei (1272 - 1348) adalah seorang teolog dari Italia, pendiri Kongregasi Perawan Terberkati Monte Oliveto. Dalam Martirologi Roma, dia diperingati pada 20 Agustus. Bernardo Tolomei dikanonisasi oleh Paus Benediktus XVI pada 26 April 2009.
Giovanni Tolomei lahir di Siena, Toskana. Dia mengambil nama "Bernard" (bahasa Italia Bernardo) karena menghargai Abbot dari Clairvaux. Dia dibimbing oleh pamannya, Christopher Tolomeo, seorang Dominikan, dan ingin masuk ke dalam kehidupan keagamaan namun ayahnya menentangnya, dan dia melanjutkan pelajarannya dalam lingkungan sekuler. Setelah menyelesaikan pelajaran filosofi dan matematika dia mendalami bidang hukum kemasyarakatan dan kanon, dan teologi. Untuk beberapa waktu Bernardo bertugas dalam angkatan bersenjata Rudolph I dari Jerman. Setelah dia kembali ke Siena dia ditugaskan oleh penduduk ke dalam posisi tertinggi dalam pemerintahan kota. Selagi bertugas dia mengalami kebutaan. Namun penglihatannya pulih, ini dipercayai karena intervensi Bunda Maria, dia pensiun pada 1313 ke tempat terpencil sekitar 10 mil dari Siena, di mana dia menjalani hidup sangat sederhana.
Karena pandangan moralnya yang tinggi dia menarik banyak pengunjung, dan Bernardo dituduh menjalani ajaran sesat. Dia pergi ke
Bernardo Tolomei (1272-1348)
BERNARDO TOLOMEI, son of Mino Tolomei, was born in Siena on the 10th of May 1272. At his baptism he was given the name Giovanni. He was probably educated by the Dominicans at their College of San Domenico di Camporegio in Siena. He was knighted by Rodolfo I d’Absburgo (†1291). While studying law in his home town, he was also a member of the Confraternity of the Disciplinati di Santa Maria della Notte dedicated to aiding the sick at the hospital della Scala. Due to a progressive and almost total blindness, he was forced to give up his public career. In 1313, in order to realize a more radical Christian and ascetic ideal, together with two companions, (Patrizio di Francesco Patrizi †1347 and Ambrogio di Nino Piccolomini †1338) both noble Sienese merchants and members of the same Confraternity, he retired to Accona on a property belonging to his family, about 30km south-east of the city. It was here that Giovanni, who in the mean time had taken the name Bernardo out of veneration for the holy Cistercian abbot, together with his two companions, lived a hermitic penitential life characterised by prayer, manual work and silence.
Towards the end of 1318, or the beginning