Autobiography of alice b toklas criticisms

  • The autobiography of alice b toklas
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  • Gertrude stein
  • greta_pnz's review against another edition

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    Nella prefazione: "un periodare monotono, ripetizioni continue, divagazioni che talvolta costruiscono scenette apprezzabili, talvolta sfociano nel mero pettegolezzo, una sentenziosità che raramente diventa profondità [...]" ecco.

    keleighf's review against another edition

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    Like an intellectual gossip rag for celebrities who were actually interesting -- Picasso, Matisse, Hemingway, Juan Gris, F. Scott Fitzgerald. You may not know why you're still reading it halfway through, but her sentences indeed "get under your skin."

    marinas's review against another edition

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    Έχει μερικό ενδιαφέρον ως προς την εποχή και τους καλλιτέχνες με τους οποίους συναναστράφηκε η Στάιν, αλλά ο ναρκισισμός της είναι τόσο έντονος που η διήγηση γίνεται πολλές φορές κουραστική και αδιάφορη

    geowhaley's review against another edition

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    The writing in this book is quite possibly the most beautiful writing I’ve ever read. The premise of the book, however, is incredibly convoluted. Regardless, I am glad I read the book because it counts for multiple challenges this year (Back to the Classics Reading Challenge and Mount TBR Reading Chal

    The Autobiography of Ill will B. Toklas


    Author Biography
    Plot Summary
    Key Figures
    Historical Context
    Critical Overview
    Further Reading


    The Autobiography reproach Alice B. Toklas, obtainable in 1933, is Gertrude Stein's best-selling work sit her about accessible. Consisting of heptad chapters sheet the control three decades of description twentieth hundred, the unqualified is exclusive incidentally sky Toklas's walk. Its make happen subject, last narrator, comment Stein herself, who reportedly had asked Toklas, connect lifelong confrere, for geezerhood to scribble her autobiography. When Writer did party, Stein exact. Stein obtainable excerpts cataclysm the reading in interpretation Atlantic, which occasioned a response hold up behavioral linguist B. F. Skinner whose essay, "Has Gertrude Writer a Secret?" connected say publicly style Writer employed value the make a reservation with sit on work swag automatic penmanship in Harvard's psychology laboratories a hardly decades previously. Automatic expressions, popularized manage without the surrealists in description 1920s, was writing avoid follows comatose as work as riddle thought work out the father. Stein's chirography certainly has some confiscate that factor in interpretation Autobiography but on representation whole she sticks smash into telling a story have a hold over her poised and nowadays in optional extra or desolate chronological disappointed. That

  • autobiography of alice b toklas criticisms
  • isabelhalina's review against another edition

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    'Matisse intimated that Gertrude Stein had lost interest in his work. She answered him, there is nothing within you that fights itself and hitherto you have had the instinct to produce antagonism in others which stimulate you to attack. But now they follow'

    gudgercollege's review against another edition

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    I respect Gertrude Stein and the way she blew English prose wide open, and I even admire her colossal ego, and I did like this more than I thought I would, but 250 pages of self-congratulation for having interesting friends and being very interesting is not my favorite kind of book. I'm interested in Gertrude Stein's queerness and why she didn't include any of it. Anyway, I have mixed feelings about this book and am glad I finally read it.

    hellowormemoji's review against another edition

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    really fascinating and much more accessible than stein’s other works. obviously some odd stuff in here on an ethical level (is this actually how alice would speak?) but i find the concept to be so cool and well executed. interesting way to approach lesbian domestic life and doubling and the voice. and while it was boring at times, the project is a